
Women in Tech Revolution

Pt1 - Logo & branding design

'New London-based organization aiming to tackle the issue of gender imbalance in the tech industry.'

My Role:

I met the organizers at their 2nd ever event in Aug 2018, and was asked to help with the design of their logo and brand identity.

Logo 1:

Initially given a carte-blanche to experiment with the design of the logo, I proposed the designs. The aim was to somehow communicate the female identity without being overly girly, and combine that with futuristic symbols that establishes as part of the tech industry.

The design went through several iterations, gradually simplifying the design. The challenge was in balancing the amount of detail whilst retaining the essence of the design.


Logo 2:

The organizers came back with the feedback that they want an eye instead as the logo. They provided the following reference image for me to work with, so using that as the new starting point, I experimented with various designs for the iris.


Color choice:

Color is an important element of any design, and I thought that it would be most appropriate that such an organization, with a target audience of young professionals, to adopt colors that are vibrant, lively and contemporary. Bright colors work well to attract attention, though too much can be disorienting and distracting.


A number of design iterations were subsequently tested out to find the right balance between these colors.

Competitors analysis:

Having taken a look at similar organizations and their respective logo design, it became evident that logos accompanied by text is helpful in differentiating the organization from competitors. Given that they have very similar names, it would be important for WIT to incorporate this into their logo on some platforms.



Following the selection of the logo, it became necessary to experiment with the accompanying text. A number of fonts, layout, size, combination were tested.


Combining text into the logo

Variations of how the iris looks like when integrating text.



final output.


Business cards:

Some business card designs were proposed
