

Architecture is beyond aesthetics. It is ideology and politics, shaped by technology, expressed artistically through a range of media. Architecture finds expression beyond the built environment; in fact, some of the most influential works exist as writing, drawings and performance arts, and other forms of speculations. What fascinates me is the delicate balance between a top-down birds-eye approach with a bottom-up human-centric understanding.

Property Uber-ization

Architectural Association School - Year 3

This speculative project envisions a future where function-carrying walls are automated. What would be the impact of such an system on our experience of architecture on an individualistic and collective scale? In a world where everything moves, how would you define the here and there? It becomes evident as well that issues of ownership arises if such a system were implemented on a city-scale. Extensive technical studies were carried out in parallel to the conceptual development of this project.

Conceptual framework

Pt 1 →

Environmental Contrast

Pt 2 →

Societal-scale implications

Pt 3 →

Structural Walls Proposal

Pt 4 →

Existing Wall Catalogue

Pt 5 →

Transforming Hotel

Pt 6 →

Hotel for Mourning

Architectural Association School - Year 2

An ash-spreading hotel is proposed for the island of Lanzarote, in the Canary Islands, Spain. With cremation becoming an increasingly popular practice worldwide and amongst the visitors coming to Lanzarote, it occurred to me that there is an opportunity to respond to our unit brief by focusing on this group of people. In a world where cremation is becoming an increasingly popular practice, what is the appropriate 21st century architectural response?

VR experience

Architectural Association School - Year 2

An accompanying VR experience was developed in parallel to the physical hotel proposal. The interest in virtual reality was primarily founded on the curiosity to explore how this new immersive technology could alter our perception of physical experience in our physical world.


Design Morphine Workshop- Dubai, UAE (2017)

An accompanying VR experience was developed in parallel to the physical hotel proposal. The interest in virtual reality was primarily founded on the curiosity to explore how this new immersive technology could alter our perception of physical experience in our physical world.


Design Morphine Workshop- Sofia, Bulgaria (2016)

An accompanying VR experience was developed in parallel to the physical hotel proposal. The interest in virtual reality was primarily founded on the curiosity to explore how this new immersive technology could alter our perception of physical experience in our physical world.

Final renderings

Pt 1 →

Transformed components

Pt 2 →

3D-Printed prototype

Pt 3 →


Carleton University (Ottawa, Canada) - Year 1

Conceptual framework

Project 1 →

Environmental Contrast

Project 2 →

Societal-scale implications

Project 3 →

Conceptual framework

Project 4 →

Environmental Contrast

Project 5 →

Societal-scale implications

Project 6 →

Societal-scale implications

Project 7 →

Conceptual framework

Project 8 →

Sewn winter

Project 9 →

My experience studying Architecture on two continents has been a mind-broadening and explorative journey. My time at Carleton U in Ottawa, Canada was an intesive period of material and formalistic exploration. My 2nd and 3rd Year at the Architectural Association in London, U.K. offered an intensely theoretical and intellectually stimulating experience. It was an experimental playground where questions are valued over answers, where the world as we know it are put into questions and speculated upon.